Here are a few of the things our team found useful or interesting this past week.
10 mobile UX trends for 2021
It’s a little late, but I encountered a well wrapped up article about mobile UX Trends for 2021.
The rise of superapps is interesting as people used to avoid creating an app with multiple purposes. If businesses start requiring those apps, it’s going to be an interesting challenge for UX designers.
— Junta
Webflow 101 crash course
Webflow is a great tool for building websites. This is a helpful crash course for people new to Webflow (like me!).
— Anne
Adding macOS support to an existing React Native app
The title says it all, really: Investigating the claims by Microsoft that React Native for Windows + macOS will enable a React Native app to run on recent versions of macOS. Quite cool!
— Ian
Pgcli, a command line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
Compared to using zsh on my terminal, using psql can feel a bit clunky. That’s where pgcli steps in. It’s a suped up cli for working with postgres and provides you editor-like autocompletion, the ability to choose themes to highlight your syntax and lots of other features to make you more productive in postgres.
— Adam A
Progressive web apps in 2021
This is an in-depth look at the state of progressive web apps in 2021. The author covers just about everything you could think to ask: What’s changed? What’s remained the same? And who’s holding back further adoption? (No hints here.)
— Ian
Use Rails link_to_unless_current for navigation links
This is a neat little Rails tip. I quite like the concept behind this site. Let’s see if the author continues to flesh it out with more tips.
— Ian